women in science sources.jpg

Throughout the writing of this book, I read books and scientific articles and watched documentaries and videos. I visited national parks and even traveled to the UN to talk to program consultants for the Equator Initiative. Hope you take the time to read, watch, and learn some more about our wonderful world!


Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund: www.cepf.net/

Encyclopedia Britannica: Britannica.com

Equator Initiative: www.equatorinitiative.org

Everglades National Park (U.S. National Park Service): www.nps.gov/ever/index.htm

Mangrove Action Project: mangroveactionproject.org

Mojave National Preserve (U.S. National Park Service): www.nps.gov/moja/index.htm

Moorland Association: www.moorlandassociation.org

NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming: climate.nasa.gov/evidence

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: www.nfwf.org

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: www.noaa.gov

Callenbach, Ernest. 2008. Ecology: A Pocket Guide. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Houtman, Anne, Susan Karr, and Jeneen Interland. 2012. Environmental Science for a Changing World. New York: W. H. Freeman.

Woodward, Susan L. 2009. Marine Biomes: Greenwood Guides to Biomes of the World. London: Greenwood Press.

National Wildlife Federation: www.nwf.org Oceana: oceana.org

Redwood National and State Parks (U.S. National Park Service): www.nps.gov/redw/index.htm

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve (U.S. National Park Service): www.nps.gov/tapr/index.htm

UN Sustainable Development Goals: sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs

United States Environmental Protection Agency: epa.gov World Heritage Center UNESCO: whc.unesco.org
World Wide Fund For Nature: wwf.panda.org
WWF World Wildlife Fund: www.worldwildlife.org


Callenbach, Ernest. 2008. Ecology: A Pocket Guide. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Houtman, Anne, Susan Karr, and Jeneen Interland. 2012. Environmental Science for a Changing World. New York: W. H. Freeman.

Woodward, Susan L. 2009. Marine Biomes: Greenwood Guides to Biomes of the World. London: Greenwood Press.


Africa. Produced by Mike Gunton and James Honeyborne. Performed by David Attenborough. BBC Natural History Unit, 2013.

Ecology - Rules for Living on Earth: Crash Course Biology. Performed by Hank Green. Crash Course Biology, October 29, 2012.

Frozen Planet. Produced by Alastair Fothergill. Performed by David Attenborough. BBC Natural History Unit, 2011.

Planet Earth II. Produced by Vanessa Berlowitz, Mike Gunton, James Brickell, and Tom Hugh-Jones. Performed by David Attenborough. BBC One, 2017.



Levels of Ecology / Map of biomes

Houtman, Anne, Susan Karr, and Jeneen InterlandI. 2012. Environmental Science for a Changing World. New York City, New York: W. H. Freeman.

Karla Moeller. "Boundless Biomes". ASU - Ask A Biologist. 19 July, 2013. https://askabiologist.asu.edu/explore/biomes

 Carrington, Damian. 2016. The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age. August 29. Accessed September 2017. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/aug/29/declare-anthropocene-epoch-experts-urge-geological-congress-human-impact-earth.


What is an Ecosystem / Food Webs

Carrington, Damian. 2016. The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age. August 29. Accessed September 2017. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/aug/29/declare-anthropocene-epoch-experts-urge-geological-congress-human-impact-earth.

 Callenbach, Ernest. 2008. Ecology: A Pocket Guide. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press.

 Houtman, Anne, Susan Karr, and Jeneen InterlandI. 2012. Environmental Science for a Changing World. New York City, New York: W. H. Freeman. 

Living Things & How They Interact

Houtman, Anne, Susan Karr, and Jeneen InterlandI. 2012. Environmental Science for a Changing World. New York City, New York: W. H. Freeman.

 What Makes a Healthy Ecosystem?

 Houtman, Anne, Susan Karr, and Jeneen InterlandI. 2012. Environmental Science for a Changing World. New York City, New York: W. H. Freeman.


Houtman, Anne, Susan Karr, and Jeneen InterlandI. 2012. Environmental Science for a Changing World. New York City, New York: W. H. Freeman.

 CrashCourse. 2012. Ecological Succession: Change is Good - Crash Course Ecology #6. December 10. Accessed September 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZKIHe2LDP8

Micro Ecosystems / Drop of Water Ecosystems / Soil Ecosystems

Bakalar, Nicholas. 2016. Earth May Be Home to a Trillion Species of Microbes. May 23. Accessed September 2017. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/24/science/one-trillion-microbes-on-earth.html?_r=0.

 Speer, Brian, and Ben Waggoner. 1996. Bacteria: Life History and Ecology. October 15. Accessed September 2017. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/bacteria/bacterialh.html.

 Nelson, Diana. n.d. Save the Plankton, Breathe Freely. Accessed September 2017. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/activity/save-the-plankton-breathe-freely/.


Small Ecosystems – Tree Trunk / Small Pond

 Dorling Kindersley. n.d. Rotting Log. Accessed September 2017. https://www.dkfindout.com/us/animals-and-nature/habitats-and-ecosystems/rotting-log/.

University of California Museum of Paleontology. n.d. The Aquatic Biome. Accessed September 2017. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibits/biomes/aquatic.php#ponds.

Sigurdson, Roland. 2012. Fish in the Zone. May. Accessed September 2017. http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/mcvmagazine/young_naturalists/young-naturalists-article/limnology/limnology.pdf.

North America 

Hoffman, Paul F., Randall J. Schaetzl, James Wreford Watson, and Wilbur Zelinsky. 2018. North America. February 6. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/North-America.


The Redwood Forest 


The National Park Service. 2015. Redwood. February 28. Accessed September 2017. https://www.nps.gov/redw/learn/nature/about-the-trees.htm.

 Handy, E. S. Craighill, Kenneth P. Emory, Edwin H. Bryan, Peter H. Buck, and John H. Wise. 1965. Ancient Hawaiian Civilization. Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. .

 Olson, D., and John Sawyer. n.d. Northern California coastal forests. Accessed September 2017. https://www.worldwildlife.org/ecoregions/na0519.

 Sempervirens Fund. 2016. Redwoods & Climate. Accessed September 2017. https://sempervirens.org/discover-redwoods/redwoods-climate/.

 Thompson, Don. 2002. "Redwoods Siphon Water From the Top and Bottom." Los Angeles Times, September 1.

 Wilkey, Robin. 2013. Redwood Trees May Help Battle Climate Change, Study Finds. August 14. Accessed September 2017. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/14/redwood-trees-climate-change_n_3756564.html.

The Northern Great Plains 

 Missouri Prairie Foundation. 2013. Missouri Prairie Foundation: Why Prairie Matters. December 31. Accessed September 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gwVEnq20Mc.

 National Park Service. 2017. Theodore Roosevelt and Conservation. November 16. Accessed September 2017. https://www.nps.gov/thro/learn/historyculture/theodore-roosevelt-and-conservation.htm.

 World Wildlife Fund. 2018. Northern Great Plains. Accessed September 2017. https://www.worldwildlife.org/places/northern-great-plains.


Florida Mangrove Swamp

 Everglades National Park. 2012. Everglades Mountains and Valleys: Mangrove. November 9. Accessed September 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulWr2Kajcqs.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2017. Florida's Mangroves. 3 November. Accessed September 2017. http://www.dep.state.fl.us/coastal/habitats/mangroves.htm.

 National Park Service. 2015. Ecosystems: Mangrove. July 28. Accessed September 2017. https://www.nps.gov/ever/learn/nature/mangroves.htm.

 Sarker, Swapan K. , Richard Reeve, Jill Thompson, Nirmal K. Paul, and Jason Matthiopoulos. 2016. "Are we failing to protect threatened mangroves in the Sundarbans world heritage ecosystem?" Nature.

 United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2016. Mangrove Swamps. 19 December. Accessed September 2017. https://www.epa.gov/wetlands/mangrove-swamps.

 World Wildlife Fund. n.d. Mangrove forests: threats. Accessed September 2017. http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/blue_planet/coasts/mangroves/mangrove_threats.


Mojave Desert

Fox 2 Now St. Louis. 2013. The Heat Is On — Death Valley Temps Hot Enough To Melt Sneakers. July 1. Accessed September 2017. http://fox2now.com/2013/07/01/the-heat-is-on-in-southwestern-u-s-enough-to-melt-sneakers/.

Holland, B. , G. Orians, and J. Adams. n.d. Mojave desert. Accessed September 2017. https://www.worldwildlife.org/ecoregions/na1308.

 McDaniel, Melissa, Erin Sprout, Diane Boudreau, and Andrew Turgeon. 2011. Desert. October 19. Accessed September 2017. http://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/desert/.

 National Park Service. 2017. Death Valley. March 7. Accessed September 2017. https://www.nps.gov/deva/learn/nature/animals.htm.

 —. 2017. Devils Hole. June 1. Accessed September 2017 . https://www.nps.gov/deva/learn/nature/devils-hole.htm.

 —. 2015. Nature & Science. February 28. Accessed September 2017. https://www.nps.gov/moja/learn/nature/index.htm.

 Strauss, Mark. 2012. "Take a Look at the World’s Largest Solar Thermal Farm." Smithsonian Magazine, November. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/take-a-look-at-the-worlds-largest-solar-thermal-farm-91577483/.



Avila, Hector Fernando, and Jean P. Dorst. 2018. South America. February 1. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/South-America.

 Bajpai, Prableen. 2018. The World's Top 20 Economies. August 16. Accessed September 2017. http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/022415/worlds-top-10-economies.asp.

 Roman, Joe. 2013. Fishing With Dolphins. January 13. Accessed September 2017. http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2013/01/fishing_with_dolphins_symbiosis_between_humans_and_marine_mammals_to_catch.html.

 The Rights of Nature. n.d. ECUADOR ADOPTS RIGHTS OF NATURE IN CONSTITUTION. Accessed September 2017. http://therightsofnature.org/ecuador-rights/.


Amazon Rainforest

2017. Planet Earth II: Jungles. Produced by Vanessa Berlowitz, Mike Gunton, James Brickell and Tom Hugh-Jones. Performed by David Attenborough. BBC One.

 National Geographic. 2015. WILD AMAZON: EDUCATION WORKSHEET. August 2. Accessed September 2017. http://www.nationalgeographic.com.au/educate/wild-amazon-education-worksheet.aspx.

 World Wildlife Fund. n.d. Amazon. Accessed September 2017. https://www.worldwildlife.org/places/amazon.

 Atacama Desert 

 Carswell, Heather. 2015. Adventures in the Atacama Desert: top experiences in northern Chile’s wildest region. April. Accessed September 2017. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/chile/travel-tips-and-articles/adventures-in-the-atacama-desert-top-experiences-in-northern-chiles-wildest-region/40625c8c-8a11-5710-a052-1479d2767ae2.

 Leadbeater, Chris. 2017. Exploring Chile's Atacama Desert. January 4. Accessed September 2017. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/destinations/south-america/chile/explore-chile-atacama-desert-stargazing/.

 Moss, Chris. 2015. Atacama Desert: Trip of a Lifetime. March 10. Accessed September 2017. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/south-america/chile/articles/Atacama-Desert-Trip-of-a-Lifetime/.

 Slattery, Gram. 2015. In Chile, world's astronomy hub, scientists fear loss of dark skies. december 16. Accessed September 2017. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-chile-astronomy-idUSKBN0TX27B20151216.

 World Wildlife Fund. n.d. Western South America: Northwestern Chile. Accessed September 2017. https://www.worldwildlife.org/ecoregions/nt1303.


The Humid Pampas

 Diehl, Jackson. January 9, 1984. "Argentine Rancher Preserves, Defends Traditional Life of Pampas." The Washington Post. Accessed September 2017. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1984/01/09/argentine-rancher-preserves-defends-traditional-life-of-pampas/fac8510d-cd37-4763-a411-a11c41d2a87e/?utm_term=.3ce35d5cad91.

 Fernandez, Carlos, and Andrea Nogues. March 1, 2010. "Preserving Patagonian Grasslands and Gauchos." Property and Environment Research Center. Accessed September 2017. https://www.perc.org/2010/03/01/preserving-patagonian-grasslands-and-gauchos/.

 The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. February 20, 2015. "The Pampas." Encyclopædia Britannica. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/the-Pampas.

 World Wildlife Fund. n.d. Southern South America: Eastern Argentina. Accessed September 2017. https://www.worldwildlife.org/ecoregions/nt0803.

 The Tropical Andes

Houtman, Anne, Susan Karr, and Jeneen InterlandI. 2012. Environmental Science for a Changing World. New York City, New York: W. H. Freeman.

 Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund. n.d. Tropical Andes. Accessed September 2017. http://www.cepf.net/resources/hotspots/South-America/Pages/Tropical-Andes.aspx.

 Enever, Andrew. 2002. "Andes conservation goes cross-border." BBC News. June 18. Accessed September 2017. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2051409.stm.

Equator Initiative. n.d. Asociación de Productores Indígenas y Campesinos (ASPROINCA, Association of Indigenous and Peasant Producers). Accessed September 2017. http://www.equatorinitiative.org/2017/05/26/asociacion-de-productores-indigenas-y-campesinos-asproinca-association-of-indigenous-and-peasant-producers/.

 Velasquez, M. Tulio, and William M. Denevan. 2017. "Andes Mountains." Encyclopædia Britannica. July 26. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Andes-Mountains.


Berensten, William H. , and W. Gordon East. May 30, 2018. "Europe." Encyclopædia Britannica. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Europe.

 The Mooreland of Great Britain

BBC Nature. n.d. Moor repairs. Accessed September 2017. http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/habitats/Moorland#p00c099f.

Scottish Natural Heritage. 2016. Upland birds. Accessed September 2017. http://www.snh.gov.uk/about-scotlands-nature/habitats-and-ecosystems/mountains-heaths-and-bogs/birds-and-mammals/.

 The Moorland Association. 2018. Conservation at Work. Accessed September 2017. http://www.moorlandassociation.org/.

Mediterranean Basin

BBC Earth. 2010. The evaporating Mediterranean Sea | BBC. April 19. Accessed September 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BemsLUldVAo.

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund. n.d. Mediterranean Basin. Accessed September 2017. http://www.cepf.net/where_we_work/regions/europe_central_asia/mediterranean/Pages/default.aspx.

 Wildscreen Arkive. n.d. Mediterranean Basin. Accessed September 2017. http://www.arkive.org/eco-regions/mediterranean-basin/.

 World Wildlife Fund. n.d. The Mediterranean – a sea surrounded by land. Accessed September 2017. http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/where_we_work/mediterranean/.

 —. n.d. Who we are: WWF Mediterranean: for nature, for people. Accessed September 2017. http://mediterranean.panda.org/who_we_are/.

 The Alps

 Diem, Aubrey, and Paul Veyret. December 15, 2017. "Alps." Encyclopædia Britannica. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Alps.

 Wallace, Lane. 2012. "Why Is Mont Blanc One of the World's Deadliest Mountains?" The Atlantic. July 25. Accessed September 2017. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/07/why-is-mont-blanc-one-of-the-worlds-deadliest-mountains/260143/.

World Wildlife Fund. n.d. The European Alps. Accessed September 2017. http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/where_we_work/alps/


Beaumont, Peter. 2015. "Archaeologists find possible evidence of earliest human agriculture." The Guardian. July 24. Accessed September 2017. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/jul/24/archaeologists-find-possible-evidence-of-earliest-human-agriculture

Leinbach, Thomas R. , and Clifton W. Pannell. May 03, 2018. "Asia." Encyclopædia Britannica. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Asia.

 Mark, Joshua J. 2018. "Mesopotamia." Ancient History Encyclopedia. March 14. Accessed September 2017. http://www.ancient.eu/Mesopotamia/.



The Siberian Taiga

Gibbens, Sarah. 2017. "Siberia's Growing 'Doorway to Hell' Offers Clues on Climate Change." National Geographic. March 2. Accessed September 2017. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/03/siberia-batagiaka-crater-climate-change/

Juday, Glenn Patrick. July 19, 2018. "Taiga." Encyclopædia Britannica. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/science/taiga.

 Leu, Chelsea. 2013. "Bacteria, Methane, and other Dangers Within Siberia's Melting Permafrost." Wired. December 21. Accessed September 2017.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2015. "Siberia." Encyclopædia Britannica. November 12. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Siberia.

World Wildlife Fund. n.d. Northeast Siberian taiga. Accessed September 2017. https://www.worldwildlife.org/ecoregions/pa0605.

Indochina mangroves

Farberov, Snejana. 2013. "Generation Orange: Heartbreaking portraits of Vietnamese children suffering from devastating effects of toxic herbicide sprayed by US Army 40 years ago ." Daily Mail. August 24. Accessed September 2017. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2401378/Agent-Orange-Vietnamese-children-suffering-effects-herbicide-sprayed-US-Army-40-years-ago.html.

National Geographic. 2007. "Mangrove Action Project." National Geographic Magazine. Accessed September 2017. http://mangroveactionproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/mp_download.5.pdf.

United States Environmental Protection Agency. n.d. Mangrove Swamps. Accessed September 2017. https://www.epa.gov/wetlands/mangrove-swamps.

 World Wildlife Fund. n.d. Indochina mangroves. Accessed September 2017. https://www.worldwildlife.org/ecoregions/im1402.

 L., Woodward S. Marine Biomes (Greenwood Guides to Biomes of the World). London: Greenwood Press, 2009

Reghukumar, Seshagiri. Fungi in Coastal and Oceanic Marine Ecosystems: Marine Fungi. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017.
Vallero, Daniel A. Biomedical Ethics for Engineers: Ethics and Decision Making in Biomedical and Biosystem Engineering. Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2007.

 Mongolian Steppe

Earthwatch Institute. n.d. Wildlife of the Mongolian Steppe. Accessed September 2017. http://earthwatch.org/Expeditions/Wildlife-of-the-Mongolian-Steppe.

Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO . 2014. Eastern Mongolian Steppes. December 19. Accessed September 2017. http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5946/.

Schmitz, Rob. 2016. "How Your Cashmere Sweater Is Decimating Mongolia's Grasslands." NPR Parallels. December 9. Accessed September 2017.

 World Wildlife Fund. n.d. Mongolian-Manchurian grassland. Accessed September 2017. https://www.worldwildlife.org/ecoregions/pa0813.

Himalayan Mountains

Bishop, Barry C. , and Shiba P. Chatterjee. June 28, 2017. "Himalayas." Encyclopædia Britannica. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Himalayas.

Equator Initiative. n.d. Conservation Area Management Committee, Parche. Accessed September 2017. http://www.equatorinitiative.org/2017/05/30/conservation-area-management-committee-parche/.

Nature. 2011. "Himalayas Facts." PBS. February 11. Accessed September 2017. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/the-himalayas-himalayas-facts/6341/.

 World Wildlife Fund. n.d. Eastern Himalayas. Accessed September 2017. https://www.worldwildlife.org/places/eastern-himalayas.  

National Geographic. n.d. Africa: Physical Geography. Accessed September 2017. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/africa-physical-geography/.

Congo Rainforest

World Wildlife Fund. n.d. Congo Basin. Accessed September 2017. https://www.worldwildlife.org/places/congo-basin.

 Africa. “Congo” Produced by Mike Gunton and James Honeyborne. Performed by David Attenborough. BBC Natural History Unit, February 6, 2013.

African Savanna

Africa. “Savanna” Produced by Mike Gunton and James Honeyborne. Performed by David Attenborough. BBC Natural History Unit, February 6, 2013.

Equator Inititiative. n.d. Kayonza Growers Tea Factory. Accessed September 2017. http://www.equatorinitiative.org/2017/05/29/kayonza-growers-tea-factory/.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. September 05, 2016. "Serengeti National Park." Encyclopædia Britannica. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Serengeti-National-Park.

World Wildlife Fund. n.d. The Serengeti. Accessed September 2017. http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/teacher_resources/best_place_species/current_top_10/serengeti.cfm.

Sahara Desert

 Boissoneault, Lorraine. 2017. "What Really Turned the Sahara Desert From a Green Oasis Into a Wasteland?" Smithsonian Magazine. March 24. Accessed September 2017. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/what-really-turned-sahara-desert-green-oasis-wasteland-180962668/.

Africa. “Sahara” Produced by Mike Gunton and James Honeyborne. Performed by David Attenborough. BBC Natural History Unit, February 6, 2013.

The Cape of Africa

Africa. “Cape” Produced by Mike Gunton and James Honeyborne. Performed by David Attenborough. BBC Natural History Unit, February 6, 2013.

World Wildlife Fund. 2011. Conserving the Cape. April 11. Accessed September 2017. http://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?199981/Conserving-the-Cape.


National Geographic. n.d. Migration to Australia. Accessed September 2017. https://genographic.nationalgeographic.com/migration-to-australia/.

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Pletcher, Kenneth. January 17, 2018. "Uluru/Ayers Rock." Encyclopædia Britannica. Accessed September 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Uluru-Ayers-Rock.

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World Wildlife Fund. n.d. Nowhere To Go: If we don't act now, we could lose koalas in NSW forever. Accessed September 2017. http://www.wwf.org.au/#gs.FPQ2BrY.

 Australian Savanna

World Wildlife Fund. n.d.” Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands”. Accessed September 2017


Daniel, Ari. 2013. "Australia's "Magnetic" Termites." NOVA. April 11. Accessed September 2017. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/nature/magnetic-termites.html.

 Tasmania Central Highlands

Mathiesen, Karl. 2016. "World heritage forests burn as global tragedy unfolds in Tasmania." The Guardian. January 26. Accessed September 2017. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jan/27/world-heritage-forests-burn-as-global-tragedy-unfolds-in-tasmania.

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San Diego Zoo. n.d. Tasmanian Devil. Accessed September 2017. https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/tasmanian-devil.

Great Barrier Reef

Australian Government: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. n.d. Reef facts. Accessed September 2017. http://www.gbrmpa.gov.au/about-the-reef/facts-about-the-great-barrier-reef.

Fong, Joss, and Dion Lee. 2017. "How dead is the Great Barrier Reef?" Vox. May 22. Accessed September 2017. https://www.vox.com/videos/2017/5/22/15674910/great-barrier-reef-dead.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 2001. Australia's Great Barrier Reef. April 11. Accessed September 2017. https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/details.php?id=PIA03401.

Knaus, Christopher, and Nick Evershed. 2017. "Great Barrier Reef at 'terminal stage': scientists despair at latest coral bleaching data." The Guardian. April 9. Accessed September 2017. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/apr/10/great-barrier-reef-terminal-stage-australia-scientists-despair-latest-coral-bleaching-data.

National Geographic. n.d. Giant Clam. Accessed September 2017. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/g/giant-clam/.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. July 06, 2017. Zooxanthellae… What's That? Accessed September 2017. http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/kits/corals/coral02_zooxanthellae.html.

The Polar Ice Caps

Bindschadler, Robert. 2003. "Why is the South Pole colder than the North Pole?" Scientific American. May 5. Accessed September 2017. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-is-the-south-pole-col/.

National Snow & Ice Data Center . n.d. Quick Facts on Arctic Sea Ice. Accessed September 2017. https://nsidc.org/cryosphere/quickfacts/seaice.html.

 U. S. Geological Survey. 2018. Ice, Snow, and Glaciers: The Water Cycle. June 18. Accessed September 2017. https://water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycleice.html.

 The Arctic Circle

Bindschadler, Robert. 2003. "Why is the South Pole colder than the North Pole?" Scientific American. May 5. Accessed September 2017. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-is-the-south-pole-col/.

 Mouawad, Jad. 2008. "Arctic may hold as much as a fifth of undiscovered oil and gas reserves." The New York Times. July 24. Accessed September 2017. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/24/business/worldbusiness/24iht-arctic.4.14767779.html?mcubz=0.

National Snow & Ice Data Center . n.d. Quick Facts on Arctic Sea Ice. Accessed September 2017. https://nsidc.org/cryosphere/quickfacts/seaice.html.

Frozen Planet. Produced by Alastair Fothergill. Performed by David Attenborough. BBC Natural History Unit, October 26, 2011 - December 28, 2011

The Antarctic Tundra

Johnston, Ian, 2017. “Antarctic turning green as global warming triggers moss explosion.” Independent Accessed September 2017.


Cool Antarctica. n.d. Who Lives in Antarctica? . Accessed September 2017. http://www.coolantarctica.com/Antarctica fact file/science/can_you_live_in_antarctica.php.

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Water Cycle
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